Our Classes 2024

Lundi 19h-20h30         Hatha Doux Gentle Yoga

Mardi 12h30-13h30     Lunch time Yoga tous niv.  All levels

Jeudi 15h00-16h00     Yoga Thérapie

Jeudi 19h30-21h00     Niv II/III Intermediate/Adv

Vendr 12h30-13h45    Tous niv.  All levels

Samedi 10h00-11h30  Niv I Dynamic class for beginners

Les tarifs/ Class fees



72 rue du Vertbois 75003 Paris  Metro Arts et Métiers 

06 31 91 92 12    01 42 74 24 92    yoga@yogamarais.com

Le Centre de Yoga du Marais propose une combinaison intégrée de Hatha Yoga, qui inclut : les asanas, une pratique dynamique et physique, de pranayama, la regulation de notre respiration, la méditation et aussi les études de la philosophie de yoga. Le centre offre des cours pour tout le monde, tous niveaux.

Le Centre de Yoga du Marais est une école enregistrée chez le Yoga Alliance International et donne des formations pour professeurs de Yoga. Etabli en 2001, le centre est situé dans le beau Marais .

The Centre de Yoga du Marais offers Hatha Integral Yoga which includes the practice of asanas, active and dynamic, balanced with restorative and receptive poses.  Practice includes pranayama, developing our awareness of the breathing techniques, meditation and the study of yoga philosophy.  The Centre offers classes for everyone, children to seniors, all can begin anytime and practice at their own level.  The centre is registered with Yoga Alliance as a training school and Michelle has an experienced level of qualification ERYT-500 and C-IAYT.  The studio is equipped with all material necessary and a state of the art cork-covered, sprung wood floor which is warm to the touch and cushions the joints for hatha yoga’s specific needs.

Established in 2001, the Centre is in the Marais in the heart of Paris.

All material on this website, cannot be used in any manner without the owner’s permission.

Teacher Training / Formation

The 200-hr certification course is based on teaching and learning the tools to share the knowledge of yoga, but whether you choose to teach or not you will refine and deepen your own personal practice and what yoga means to you.

Our Teachers / Enseignants

Meet our staff.

The Centre  has attracted an experienced and spirited group of teachers, passionate about spreading the benefits of yoga.  Grounded in Hatha Integral Yoga we have programs to offer all students at any level of experience.  Many of the teachers at the centre have been trained by the Centre de Yoga du Marais’ Teacher Training program.

Yoga Retreats

Deepen your experience of yoga, on vacation!  Our retreat days start at 6:30 am, just before sunrise, by seeing the gold of the sun illumine the craggy rocks of the hill in front of us while practicing morning hatha yoga.   The rest of the day is yours to explore our host country or rest.  Evening practice finishes our day….

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